Life happens, I get it. But for how long would we continue to make that phrase the excuse of our lives?
We already live in a world full of distractions. With all the internet-connected devices and automation we live with these days, it is safe to say that technology has brought us many goodies, but they are not without a cost.
According to research published by the US National Library of Medicine, Internet addiction (IA) is becoming both a health and social problem among the general population with the spread of Internet access.
That is not to say that you shouldn’t use the internet. Rather, it should help you understand that distractions are not good for anyone that wants to be a high achiever.
High performers avoid distractions. They take control of their lives, pursue their dreams and whatever makes them happy.
What high performers do
The real high performers are not people who became successful by luck or by chance, they are people who put in the work to achieve their pursuits.
They are the ones who know what they are working on. High performers have deadlines, objectives, and dates planned out in their calendar so that they never leave anything undone.
But there is one thing they never do, and you should not do it too.
What you should never do if you want to be a high performer.
They never keep all their plans, deadlines and goals only in the mind because the mind can be robbed.
When life happens, we can skip a lot of things in our to-do list that we didn’t set in our calendar. But it isn’t how it is supposed to be. Keeping your deadlines, and goals in mind are like leaving your life to randomness, because you’re not in control, life is.
If you really want to become a high achiever in life, starting from this day. Never leave your life to randomness. Instead, take control by using a calendar to organize your days, weeks and months.
If you do this, your life will exude the excellence that is peculiar to high performers.