
Archive for the ‘Personal Development’ Category

How to Make 2019 Count…

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We all made it to 2019.

I’m so excited about this brand new year. It is another 365 days of opportunities for you and me.

This year, I will be sharing ideas that will make 2019 a great one for you. But today, I want to challenge you to be grateful for everything that you have.

8 Simple Ideas to make 2019 an amazing year.


Be grateful for this New Year 2019, because many did not make it to this year, but you and I did. Learn to be grateful every day of your life for everything, and to your creator until you take the last breath.

Gratitude has its blessings.

You’ve got another 365 days, so use this wisely.


I need you to dream big this year.

Don’t make small dreams, because you don’t need little dreams.

You can dream Big!

Create an empire in your mind, believe God for the miraculous, and nothing will be impossible.

Also, make sure to be crystal clear of what you want in this year 2019, and aspire for something great that you haven’t experienced before.


Make sure to build great relationships by identifying and belonging to new tribes.

Iron sharpens iron, look for people going where you are going and join them whether it’s a professional group or association, find people who are doing great exploits, people you can reach out to when you need a guide.


Invest in yourself by feeding your mind with great ‘nutrients’ from books, seminars, training, online videos on YouTube, audiobooks from Audibles, coaching programs, mentorship and so on.

This is how to grow.

If you do not invest in yourself, your income cannot increase, so this year 2019, don’t forget to invest in yourself.


Take actions.

Whatever your goals are this year, make sure you’re taking baby steps one after the other. Start doing what you want to do.

Keep moving, don’t stay static. This year is going to be an amazing year, and it’s going to be a challenging year, but it is going to reward action takers.

The ones who make plans and execute them, because doing and not just planning is what will differentiate you from others in 2019.


Identify two, three, or four people you can be a blessing to this year, it could be a charity organization or an individual, just make sure to give back. Invest in them because the young shall grow so whatever you know, deposit this in them.


In 2019, nothing will be different from 2018…but the only thing that can change is you. If you don’t change, nothing is going to change.

The year is going to move so rapidly, so put your mind to changing for the best. Appraise 2018 and identify areas where you didn’t do well, but don’t see those things as failures but as experience needed to navigate 2019.


Your health is important.

As you have heard, health is wealth. So do not joke with your well-being. Make sure to see the doctor occasionally or regularly depending on your need. And be aware of things like your blood pressure level, cholesterol level, your weight and all.

Also, make sure to always eat and sleep well. As you do all these I believe God that there would be a tremendous change in your life and you will be a success story that I would want to talk about this year.

God bless you!

Why You Should Stop Chasing Perfection and What to Do Instead.

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In existence, who amongst men have attained perfection?

If you haven’t thought about that question before, I suggest that you give it a minute or more; especially if you are one of those called perfectionists.

Even if you don’t think that you are a perfectionist – because most people won’t agree that they are – this will help you understand the myth of perfectionism with regards to achieving your goals or purpose in life.

You see, the truth is you don’t have to be perfect to succeed in life because history is made up of imperfect men whose achievements still hold the world in awe.

Benjamin Franklin the world’s most influential advocate for self-improvement, was a womanizer as reported by The Chicago Tribune.

It was even said that he fathered a son out of wedlock, but Franklin’s lust didn’t destroy his impact because he recognized his problem and admitted it.

Albert Einstein was also an imperfect man despite possessing a great I.Q. Einstein lacked a relational discipline causing him to divorce after ten years of marriage to marry his cousin – Elsa.

He was quoted saying to a young man that…

“What I admire in your father is that, for his whole life, he stayed with only one woman. This is a project in which I grossly failed, twice.”

He admitted that he couldn’t be a perfect husband even though it was his wish but it didn’t deter him from succeeding in other areas of his life.

Let me say again, you do not have to be perfect to do great things, achieve your purpose or succeed at anything in life – you only have to be good enough because perfection is a myth.

So Why do Men Chase Perfection?

Perfection is an idealist point of view to life where we build a world in our imagination and want it realized. We want to please everyone so that we become likeable.

We want wealth, good health, peace, less stress and all the good things of life with ease.

We want to be the one who knows it all. We want everything at home to be spanking clean, in short, we want to be an example of a perfect gentleman or lady.

Wake up my friend, you will never be perfect and you don’t have to be to achieve greatness in life. No.

Walt Disney was brilliant but he smoked too much and we could say that was his imperfection.

Henry Ford was said to be a stubborn micro-manager who didn’t take orders from anyone but his own. It was written that…

“Workers disliked the monotonous, mind-numbing repetition of their tasks, made worse by the fact that Ford believed that total discipline was necessary to prevent chaos. Employees received a 15-minute lunch as their only break, and they were not allowed to talk, sing, whistle, sit down or lean on machinery. Even smiling was discouraged.”

Yet, these men achieved greatness.

I do not mean that men should not strive to be better at every area of their lives, and neither do I mean that bad habits should be harboured. I am only saying that while we go about our journey in life, we should not focus all our energies on trying to be perfect or waiting for the perfect time before attempting to do great things.

What You Should Do Instead of Pursuing Perfection

As Brené Brown said; “Imperfections are not inadequacies; they are reminders that we’re all in this together.”

Stop trying to be perfect because the brutal truth is that you will never attain perfection – not in this life, but you will be good enough and can even be great.

Focus instead on perseverance and let nothing beat you on your journey to greatness.

If you admit your weaknesses and commit to your goals in life, you will also achieve greatness like every imperfect man who has been great.