
Archive for the ‘Achieving Success’ Category

Achieving Your Goals: The Best Research-Driven Ways

We all know that setting and achieving our goals is important for success. But many of us struggle when it comes to actually achieving them. Fear not, as there are research-driven ways to help us in this process. This blog post will discuss the best ways to achieve our goals based on scientific research. Let’s dive in, shall we?

1. Set Specific Goals

A study conducted at the Dominican University of California revealed that people who wrote down their goals were 42% more likely to achieve them. Other studies have found that those who set specific goals have a higher success rate. Setting specific goals means defining them in detail, with measurable milestones and a timeline. This helps us to focus and measure our progress.

2. Visualize Success

We become more likely to achieve our goals when we envision ourselves succeeding. A study conducted by the University of Chicago found that visualization exercises improved participants’ motivation and performance. Take a few moments each day and imagine yourself successfully completing your goals. This will boost your motivation and give you the confidence to tackle challenges.

3. Break Goals into Smaller Chunks:

Some goals can be overwhelming and discouraging, and it can lead to procrastination. According to research conducted at the University of Scranton, breaking significant goals into smaller tasks makes them more achievable. This method called “the salami technique,” involves slicing major tasks into smaller achievable ones, making it easier to see progress.

4. Tell Others About Your Goals

Sharing our goals with others can be a powerful motivator. A study by the American Society of Training and Development found that people who share their goals with others and have regular accountability sessions are 30% more likely to achieve them. We create social accountability and a support network by informing others about our goals.

5. Persistence is Key

Even if we follow all the proper steps, setbacks, and failures are inevitable. However, it is essential not to give up and keep persisting. Research by Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck has found that people with a “growth mindset” view failure as an opportunity to learn and discover new approaches. In contrast, those with a “fixed mindset” view failure as a signal of poor ability and give up easily. By adopting a growth mindset, we can approach failure with a positive attitude and learn from it.

In conclusion, achieving our goals is possible if we incorporate research-driven methods into the process. Setting specific goals, visualizing ourselves succeeding, breaking big goals into smaller chunks, sharing our plans with others, and persisting even when we fail are all effective ways to achieve our objectives. Remember, success is not just about reaching our destination but also about the journey. Keep these research-driven tips in mind, and remember to enjoy the process.

4 Ways To Achieve Your Goals This Year

Let’s be honest, when the new year rolls around, we make these big ambitious “New Year’s Resolutions.” Only for us to have forgotten them about three weeks into January. Here are four proven ways to help you not only meet but crush your resolutions and achieve your biggest goals this year.

1. Start Where You Are

The biggest mistake people make in goal setting is shooting too high. You will not go from overweight or unemployed to being in perfect shape or raking in six figures within a year. If you work every day on smaller tasks with small progress, then your results will be tremendous. Truth is, a lot of times, the difference between success and failure is simply showing up. Taking small steps will lead to accomplishments, which can snowball into other successes. If you start where you are, then keep working one step at a time, and you will reach all your goals within the year. 

In a nutshell, try to aim for progress, not perfection.

2. Be patient.

I know how it feels when you plan out your year, and you want everything to happen right now. You don’t want to wait for anything, so you end up overwhelmed, and you quit. When we expect things to come overnight, we get frustrated by the smallest detours. For example, if you decide you are going to lose thirty pounds this year, then it can be discouraging when one week you lose five pounds and the next week you gain three. 

It is okay, that’s just how it goes when you are trying to change your lifestyle for the better. Going after massive success is not something where you go from 0 to 60 in a year. Be patient and know that everything will happen when it happens.

3. Focus On The Today

It is okay to have goals for the future, but our happiness should come from progress in the present. If you are not happy where you are today, then what makes you think you will be happy tomorrow? So many people get so wrapped up in their big dreams that they forget about what matters most. We should always work to find happiness in our daily activities. If you focus on today, then the future will take care of itself.

4. Reevaluate Your Goals

As humans, we are creatures of habit. We often get so used to doing things a certain way that we don’t even think about changing them anymore. For example, if you wake up tomorrow and decide that your goal of losing thirty pounds is no longer something that you want to do, then it shouldn’t be a big deal. Reevaluate the plans that you have for yourself because sometimes what you thought was right can change. You may pursue different dreams or give up on some dreams altogether. It is your life, after all.

If you keep these four things in mind when setting goals, I can guarantee that you will achieve your biggest dreams this year. 

5 Secrets To Help You Create Lasting Wealth That Will Outlive You

Wealth is beyond fancy cars, gigantic mansions, exotic holidays, and yachts. Wealth is a wise investment that yields profits and substantial returns. It takes a commitment to wealth-building strategies and investing in people. 

A famous saying goes, ‘’a generational wealth begins with a risk-taker,” but so is generational poverty.

The great disparity between the rich and poor in the world is a testament that there are secrets to creating lasting wealth that can withstand the test of time and drastic economic changes. 

Taking a clue from wealthy people reveals that creating lasting wealth is a long-term goal that requires planning, perseverance, and commitment. Simply wishing to be rich without taking cognizance of the secrets of wealth creation adopted by the successful upper class of the society is just a futile endeavor. 

Therefore, if you desire financial stability, you need to understand that there is no get rich quick scheme anywhere. Becoming wealthy is the accumulation of resources over a lifetime. 

Consider the points below and apply them to your life to experience a turnaround in your finances. 

Financial Responsibility  

Financial responsibility is a skill and mindset that manages available resources to make plans for the present. It is a lot of decision-making that requires critical thinking and risk-taking. To achieve financial stability and create lasting wealth, you need to be prudent in judiciously spending and managing your resources. 

Realistic Expectations

While investing in properties or the stock market, maintain a realistic expectation of your return on investment. Do not set your hope too high, losing sight of external factors and changes in market trends. 

Many people expect a far more yield on investment than the average expectation, which might lead to incurring too much risk. According to Economic Times, “there is nothing wrong with hoping for the best from your investments, but you could head for trouble if you base your financial goals on unrealistic assumptions.”

Money Management

Creating lasting wealth involves budgeting, saving, and managing expenses. It helps to create a clear financial path to follow. Make a plan to create a budget for all your costs. 

Consider your financial standing, pay off your debts, and create funds for emergencies. Keep records of your finances and evaluate the reports to evaluate your progress. 


Developing a wealthy mindset will get you closer to attaining financial prosperity much more than you imagine. Creating multiple sources of income, controlling your expenses, and making a suitable investment are all products of a wealthy mindset. Be positive in your ability to increase your revenue and judiciously use them. 

Get A Mentor 

In the words of Isaac Newton, he said, “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” Learning from the experience of those who have walked the path of attaining financial stability and building lasting wealth is as important as creating wealth. A mentor helps you to understand mistakes they made along the way, advises you, and sets you on the right path. Get a mentor that has your growth in mind. 

Everyone desires wealth, whether as money in banks, properties, or investments. The difference between the people that eventually create wealth and ones that don’t is action.  

The road to creating lasting wealth is long. Therefore you need to arm yourself with the secrets discussed above to reach your financial goals. As a wealth coach, I can help you on this journey. Would you like to book a free 30 minutes appointment with me? Click here now

How To Stay Motivated, And Reach for Your Goals.

Everyone needs motivation in life. The level of inspiration you have determines how well you achieve your goals. To have a goal is not as important as achieving that goal. Let’s look at some ideas to help you stay motivated to achieve your goals.

1. Have a goal and visualize them 

A good way to stay motivated in life is to set goals. When you set goals, achieving them becomes a target that you never want to let go of. Although having dreams is not just enough, you need to visualize them often to remind your subconscious that you must reach your goals. 

A person without goals is like a ship without a sailor. Want to stay motivated? Set big goals and visualize them always. 

2. Find a good reason

Another way to stay motivated is always to find a good reason for your set goals. This will help you stay on track because there will be many challenges to throw you off course and the only way to stand firm are the reasons for your goals.

Asides from external challenges, there are times you will not even have the drive to continue on your pursuit, but reminding yourself of why you started would help a lot.

3. Track and identify your progress

When you are on a journey to achieving your goals, ensure that you track and identify your progress. This is a kind of evaluation that helps you know if you are working on your goals and if you’re on the right path.

It is not enough to identify your goals. Learn to track your progress to evaluate your accomplishment.

4. Reward Yourself

There are many ways you can motivate yourself with incentives. It doesn’t matter what the rewards are, it could be to go shopping, going on a trip, getting yourself a new car, a house or whatever. A reward is a great motivation. So when you reach a milestone, take out time to compensate and celebrate yourself because the small wins matter.

Whenever you feel a little down about reaching your goals, always remember that you are not alone because it happens to all of us. However, to stay motivated, always set big goals, visualize them, and give yourself good reasons to pursue these goals. In addition, track your progress, and reward yourself when you reach some milestones. Life may not be so long, but you can make the most of it. 

I hope that you have found some good ideas to adopt from the above. Please reach out to me here if you have questions about any of the things I mentor on; that is personal development, property investing, and forex trading.

7 Lessons You Should Not Take for Granted in 2021.

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I think Roy Bennett was right when he said, “If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, instead focus on living fully in the present.”

Because no matter how you wish to change something in the past, the only thing you can do is to take the lessons and make the most of the present. 

I do not want to overstate it because the media and pundits have said it over a million times, but 2020 was a turbulent year, and its impact is still being felt all over the world today. But we cannot do anything about it other than taking lessons and moving on. 

So in this article, I want to share 10 lessons I learned in the past year that can help you and I become even better and wiser this year. 

1. Health is Wealth; Put it First.

Health is one investment that has lifelong lasting returns. This is clear from the fact that–People affected with poor health often die at a relatively young age.

I once read that Virgil, the Roman poet who introduced the proverb ‘the greatest wealth is health’ as a word of advice for the coming generations did so because he suffered poor health throughout his life. 

Let’s be honest, a man who is too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools. We saw how many people died last year because of underlying health issues when they were infected by the COVID-19 virus. Of course, viruses are not the only thing that kills, but more than ever, we all realized how our living patterns can affect our health. This year let us take our eating habits, workouts, and hygiene more seriously because, without good health, nothing else matters. 

2. Fear is Dangerous; Defeat it.

Because of the pandemic, last year was not kind to many people. There were job losses, people lost their loved ones, and because of the lockdown that went on for months, many people got really depressed. 

To make matters worse, the global realities and economic projections of global recession created more fear than hope. But fear is not only a negative emotion, it is dangerous and destructive. It changes our perspective more than we realize and basically forces us to not think. As humans, we usually have assumptions about everything, and fear forces us to believe in those assumptions with little thinking. 

To counter this, we can use the idea of “negative visualization,” which is to imagine the worst-case scenario and challenge yourself to be mentally prepared for it and become comfortable with it. This comfort will then eliminate or at least decimate the emotional reaction to many of your fears.

3. Be Financially Prepared.

It is true that money doesn’t bring happiness, but honestly, a lack of money can bring a lot of unhappiness. Many people who didn’t save enough or didn’t have other streams of income found the last year more challenging. Money is important, but it is even important to cultivate good financial habits. This year, you must increase your income streams, and adopt financial habits that will improve your finances. 

4. Count Your Blessings; Take Nothing For Granted.

Counting our blessings requires a shift in perspective. God’s thoughts are not our thoughts, nor are His ways our ways. If we drift towards the comparative structure of societal materialism, allowing social media feeds and nightly news reports to determine how satisfied we are with the status quo of our lives, we’ll embark on a never-ending quest of never enough.

This world is infiltrated with worry and fear. Therefore, “paying attention to what we are grateful for puts us in a positive frame of mind,” wrote Lisa Firestone, Ph.D. “Also Research has shown that focusing on what we are grateful for is a universally rewarding way to feel happier and more fulfilled.”

5. Keep Learning, it Improves Your Life.

A.J. Agrawal says, There are always new skills to learn and techniques to adopt.

“The most successful people in the world understand that they must continuously learn to be successful. For us to live life to the fullest, we must continually look for ways to improve.”

6. Build Great Relationships, You’ll Need Them.

Our ability to develop relationships with others determines how successful we will be in our workplaces and in our relationships outside of work.

People are not born with natural abilities to develop and build great relationships with others. These are skills like any other that can be learned and mastered if one recognizes the need and takes the time and effort to develop them.

With the right mindset and the right behavior, you can strengthen a wide range of relationships in your life and advance them as far as you can. And with strong relationships, not only that you feel more fulfilled, but you feel more connected to the entire world. You feel that your life has real value, you have more fun and you live in the moment. An entire world of opportunities opens up in front of you.

7. Invest in Yourself. 

Investing in yourself is one of the best return on investments you can have. Whether it’s investing in learning a new skill, developing yourself personally or professionally, tapping into your creativity, or hiring a coach, you need to give to yourself first before you can give to others.

It is our responsibility to take the time to develop our gifts and talents, so we can best serve others. Investing in yourself is an example of self-love, you must love yourself before you can expect others to love you.  

Set goals, read educational books, attend seminars, and workshops to expand your knowledge and skills, take care of your health, and invest in a coach.

A coach is your partner in success who can assist you in putting these strategies into action. It is their job to assist you in creating and implementing your success plan, so you can become the best that you can be. I have been helping people transform their personal, and financial lives for years and I can help you too.

If you would like me to mentor you so that the year 2021 will be a great success for you, then click here to book a free 30 minutes, call me, and we will take it from there.

I can promise this: When you invest in yourself, a world of opportunities will open up for you.

Taking initiative; the art of seizing opportunities.

Personal initiative is a critical differentiator between highly competent people who take charge of their destiny and those who are not. Having initiative goes hand-in-glove with being successful.

Research conducted found that highly initiative people are said to be better able to find a new one if they ever lose their jobs. They are also said to be more likely to offer more suggestions at work and in relationships.

What does it mean to have initiative? A study by researchers interested in high and low initiative people provides a clue.

“In their research, they offered people training in computer skills, which they also video recorded. Afterward, the scientists went back and watched how the most enterprising people behaved and how this differed from those who lacked initiative. The latter group frequently interacted with the trainer. Specifically, they asked—over and over—whether they were using their new skills correctly. They were not merely interested in feedback; they invested in getting reassurance. 

Rather than taking the reigns of their learning, they demanded a disproportionate amount of the instructor’s attention. By contrast, the folks with the highest initiative were more likely to engage in trial and error, if they could solve their problems, and only asked for feedback once they were truly stuck.”

Taking initiative is about being first. It is a willingness to act.

Three critical elements of taking initiative 

1. Taking Action.

People who are high in taking initiative are willing to act. Recall all those times that you considered speaking with a stranger on an elevator or wish you had spoken up when there was a mistake at work. Folks with initiative do something in those situations—they introduce themselves to strangers or speak up about problems.

2. Self-Starter Attitude.

Importantly, the actions taken by people high in taking initiative are self-motivated. These people don’t wait for permission, or for everything to be clearly explained, or for conditions to be completely safe.

3. Seeing Opportunity.

Critically, one of the reasons that people high in taking initiative are self-starters and are willing to act is that they see opportunity. They see opportunity where others overlook it, or worse, where others see threats. 

Where do you stand with taking initiative?

Are you a play-it-safe type of person, or are you bold? 

Dr. Robert Biswas-Diener created an unscientific checklist to help you gauge how you fare about taking initiative. Give yourself a point for each “yes” answer with the idea that the more points, the more initiative:

       _____ When an emergency happens, I rush to help 

       _____ If I get stuck, I try to solve the problem before asking for help

       _____ If I see a problem, I will speak up and let others know

       _____ I have a history of taking the first step in new social relationships

       _____ I rarely regret missed opportunities

       _____ I volunteer for new duties and opportunities at work

       _____ I like to try new things

       _____ I am on the lookout for an opportunity

How did you fare? 

See, here is something I’d like you to keep in mind – we are all a mixed bag of stepping forward and opting out. 

“There are times when we wish to act but—for one reason or another—can not bring ourselves to do so, that’s called procrastination. There are times when we wish to act but do not muster the will (like wanting to meet a stranger but holding back instead) that’s called being reserved. And there are also actions we take without much thought or intention, these are called habits. Initiative, however, occurs when we take action.”

How to increase your  “Initiative Quotient.”

Dr. Robert asserts that initiative can be learned and if you are interested in increasing your “Initiative Quotient,” he suggested that you consider the following exercises:

  • Be First. People spend a lot of time waiting for other people to take the first step or for conditions to be “just right” before taking action. I recommend making a little private competition out of being first. This might mean being the first to smile and say “good morning” to a stranger you pass on the street. It might be that you are the first to volunteer or the first to offer an idea. To do this effectively, use “be first” as a mantra. When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself that you will look for opportunities to be first in a wide range of ways. See what happens. 


  • Be Brave. Understand this simple fact: Being brave does not guarantee success. Some gambles pay off, and others don’t. But choosing to take a risk at least puts you in the game. I am not suggesting taking foolish risks but rather permitting yourself to try even though you aren’t sure how it will all work out. 

If you try these for a week,  you will notice changes in your life. Your confidence will improve; you will seize more opportunities and will be well-positioned to become more successful. 

P.S: I have been coaching people on how to consistently set and achieve their financial goals through investing. Would you like to get a free 30 minutes consultation with me today?

Click here now.




High-Performance Institute Blog: Taking Initiative: A Key to Success is Seizing the Opportunity

The Mindset That Can Make You Fail in Life.

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Do you want to be successful in life? Then, you must understand that having the right mindset is crucial to attaining greatness.

Yes, hard work, effort, and persistence are all important, but not as important as having that underlying belief that you are in control of your destiny.

In her book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, Dr. Carol Dweck uncovers the differences between two core mindsets, the fixed mindset and the growth mindset.

Dweck examined the two mindsets and discusses why a fixed mindset leads to an unsuccessful and unfulfilling life.

No one wants a horrible and unfulfilling existence, but that is some people’s reality. They are stuck and unable to achieve success because of their fixed mindset.

Hold on, but what is a fixed mindset? How do you identify and break yourself from its shackles?

I’d share a few tips, but first.

What is a growth mindset?

A growth mindset is a belief that you are in control of your destiny and your ability to learn and improve.

Simple, right. So.

What is a fixed mindset?

A fixed mindset is the opposite; it is the belief that individual traits are innate and cannot be changed or developed.

If you think about that for a second, you’d realize that having either of these mindsets all gets down to one’s belief.

In the growth mindset, one believes that intelligence, creativity, and artistic ability can develop over time with practice, hard work, endurance, and a willingness to learn.

Whereas a fixed mind believes that intelligence, creativity, and other abilities does not, or can not change regardless of opportunities for learning and growth.

Honestly, this way of thinking is terrible for anyone, and you must beware of it.

It is the path of failure that you don’t want to tread.

It leads to trouble with self-esteem and personal development, particularly in the face of mistakes and failures.

People with a fixed belief hold themselves in an unchangeable position, where they have to prove themselves always, and where mistakes or failures are unacceptable.

On the other hand, people with a growth mindset see mistakes and failures as opportunities to learn and improve themselves. They know that is the only way to progress.

So, this is my point: a fixed mindset will make you out of date and unsuccessful. If you are successful by your terms, don’t let it hinder your greatness.

Read the signs, when you see that you are beginning to settle for less, when you begin to stop seeking knowledge.

When you give up, and not set higher goals. When you stop working out your plans, and not learning new ways of doing things.

Beware, it is the fixed mindset.

Instead, live with a growth mindset by pushing away your fears and inadequacies. Embrace the evolution of your abilities, and go with courage that everything is possible if you commit to growth.


How to Make 2019 Count…

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We all made it to 2019.

I’m so excited about this brand new year. It is another 365 days of opportunities for you and me.

This year, I will be sharing ideas that will make 2019 a great one for you. But today, I want to challenge you to be grateful for everything that you have.

8 Simple Ideas to make 2019 an amazing year.


Be grateful for this New Year 2019, because many did not make it to this year, but you and I did. Learn to be grateful every day of your life for everything, and to your creator until you take the last breath.

Gratitude has its blessings.

You’ve got another 365 days, so use this wisely.


I need you to dream big this year.

Don’t make small dreams, because you don’t need little dreams.

You can dream Big!

Create an empire in your mind, believe God for the miraculous, and nothing will be impossible.

Also, make sure to be crystal clear of what you want in this year 2019, and aspire for something great that you haven’t experienced before.


Make sure to build great relationships by identifying and belonging to new tribes.

Iron sharpens iron, look for people going where you are going and join them whether it’s a professional group or association, find people who are doing great exploits, people you can reach out to when you need a guide.


Invest in yourself by feeding your mind with great ‘nutrients’ from books, seminars, training, online videos on YouTube, audiobooks from Audibles, coaching programs, mentorship and so on.

This is how to grow.

If you do not invest in yourself, your income cannot increase, so this year 2019, don’t forget to invest in yourself.


Take actions.

Whatever your goals are this year, make sure you’re taking baby steps one after the other. Start doing what you want to do.

Keep moving, don’t stay static. This year is going to be an amazing year, and it’s going to be a challenging year, but it is going to reward action takers.

The ones who make plans and execute them, because doing and not just planning is what will differentiate you from others in 2019.


Identify two, three, or four people you can be a blessing to this year, it could be a charity organization or an individual, just make sure to give back. Invest in them because the young shall grow so whatever you know, deposit this in them.


In 2019, nothing will be different from 2018…but the only thing that can change is you. If you don’t change, nothing is going to change.

The year is going to move so rapidly, so put your mind to changing for the best. Appraise 2018 and identify areas where you didn’t do well, but don’t see those things as failures but as experience needed to navigate 2019.


Your health is important.

As you have heard, health is wealth. So do not joke with your well-being. Make sure to see the doctor occasionally or regularly depending on your need. And be aware of things like your blood pressure level, cholesterol level, your weight and all.

Also, make sure to always eat and sleep well. As you do all these I believe God that there would be a tremendous change in your life and you will be a success story that I would want to talk about this year.

God bless you!

3 Things That Makes You Succeed Every Time at Everything


Why do some people achieve success at everything they do while others struggle?

That’s a question every curious person should have asked at one point or the other in their life. This is a question I set out to find an answer to in my personal and professional endeavour. Well, I found that a few things set the successful person and the mediocre apart.

Successful people set goals, develop a winning strategy to achieve it and act after all – they never get stuck at the planning stage.

I found that success is simply a function of goals, strategies and action! As this year is rolling up to an end, it is important that we deliberately make the most of it. We need to be intentional about making it a better year than anyone we’ve had because nothing happens by chance.

The good thing is that life presents opportunities for growth sometimes where we least expect. But, we must understand the things that make some people succeed even when others fail all the time.

These 3 essential elements help to achieve great success every time at everything we do. With it, our possibilities are endless.

  1. Setting Goals

There are certain questions that are quite critical to one’s chances of succeeding in life. For instance, you should have answers to questions like, “what do I want to achieve this year, this month or ultimately, in my life?”

Whether you know it or not, this question is crucial to achieving success. It begins the goal setting process for everyone… It might interest you that a lack of definite goals ultimately results in little or no achievement at all.

As simple as losing weight, starting a business, and buying a house – you must learn to have your goals written down. If your goal is not tangible enough to write down, it’s not likely to be achieved because you haven’t taken the least of all important actions on it – that is writing it down.

Now when you want to set your goals remember to make it SMART. By that, I mean… Your goals have to be SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE, ATTAINABLE, REALISTIC and must be within a TIME FRAME. That’s when your goal can be achieved.

  1. Developing a Strategy

Success in life is not only dependent upon goal setting; it’s not enough to have goals, you need to come up with a strategy or strategies on how to achieve them.

It is your responsibility to develop strategies or plans to achieve your goals. This is where a lot of people fail. They have big ideas, but they play down the importance of developing a realistic blueprint to help them achieve their goals.

Don’t let that be you.

If you followed the last election in the United States, you will agree with me that Donald Trump became the President because he adopted a strategy that worked for him. He knows what matters and went to work with it. That’s the power of strategies.

Having goals without strategies is like embarking on a journey without a destination. Strategies answer the question of ‘How’ So when you set goals, ensure to come up with a strategy that will make you a win at it.

  1. Taking Action

In the school of success, all achievements can be attributed to one key word – ACTION.

Everyone who has succeeded in life will tell you that action was what made the difference for them, not ideas and neither was it a perfect strategy but taking action. It is okay to have goals and brilliant strategies to achieve them, but without action, nothing happens.

You will remain at the same level you were for as long as you choose to delay acting on the plans. Success is not easy; it takes hard work and determination. That is why after you’ve set goals and developed strategies, there’s still more to do – like taking action. If you want it so badly, won’t you pay the price?

Well… In case you don’t know, when you get to the highway of prosperity, what shows up is work.

So, if success is going to be yours, it’s up to you. The challenge I put to you today is to do the work! Talking and planning all the time won’t take you an inch without action. Those who are rewarded are those who are ready to pay the sacrifice; who are ready to do the work.

So, if you want this year to be better than last year, roll up your sleeves, check up on your goals for the year or set new ones but don’t stop there, create a definite strategy and act on them because nothing good comes cheap. You have to pay the price.