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7 Real Estate Investment Terms You Should Know.

Anyone in the business of real estate investment knows there are some terms one needs to familiarize his or herself with.

To help you succeed in your real estate investment journey, these are 7 real investment terms you should know.

1. Appreciation

Appreciation is increase in the value of a property over time. It can be caused by added value as a result of property improvements (such as upgrading a kitchen, adding a room or a pool, etc.) and other things like inflation, increase in demand or decrease in supply of properties.

Appreciation is usually projected as a percentage of the property’s value over the course of a year/particular period.

  2. Cash flow

Cash flow is the amount of money you can pocket at the end of each month; after all operating expenses (including loan payments) have been paid. If you spend less money than you earn, your cash flow will be positive. If you spend more money than you earn, your cash flow will be negative.

Rental income – all operating expenses (including loan payments) = Cash flow

  3. Equity

Equity is the difference between the current market value of the property and the amount that the owner owes on the property’s mortgage. For instance, if you were to sell your property, the equity would be the money you receive after paying off the mortgage in full. This value can build up over time as the mortgage balance declines and the market value of the property appreciates.

Building home equity is a great strategy for building long-term wealth because at some point you might need to use your home equity for other investments like retirement, upgrade to a different home, or paying for a major life event.

4. Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation refers to the repairs that need to be done to make an asset tenant-ready.
This can include minor fixes such as paint and lighting upgrades but can also extend to more large-scale repairs such as roof replacement, plumbing or garage upgrades. Should such large-scale upgrades be necessary, the investor will be notified prior to purchase and can choose to forego the purchase. Rehabilitation costs are generally included in the purchase price.

5. Turn Key Property (TKP)

A turnkey property or TKP is a property that has been purchased, rehabbed and rented to a tenant and is now for sale to another investor. Turnkey properties usually cash flow from the moment the investor purchases it since the property is already rented.

6. Leasing Fee

A leasing fee is paid to the property manager when they sign a lease with a new tenant. If a tenant renews their lease there is a re-leasing fee.

  7. Return on Investment

When considering how to invest in real estate, one term you may see come up over and over is – return on investment (ROI) which stands for the calculated benefit of an investment (called the return), divided by its cost. Your ROI is impacted by several variables, such as renovation and maintenance costs, and how much you originally borrowed in order to invest in your property.

I hope this article has helped you understand these 7 real estate investment terms.

Why Ken Griffin bought a $238 Million home

It was recently reported that Ken Griffin, the American billionaire and founder of Citadel, a financial firm in the US paid $238 million for a home in New York in the same week he bought a $123 million home in London.

Griffin broke the record of the most expensive home ever sold in America when he acquired the top three floors of a luxury skyscraper in Manhattan, New York.

Well, I guess it’s some news and that’s okay, but the question is, why is he buying these choice homes?

Known for his financial acumen, Ken Griffin have started putting a lot of money into real estate in recent years.

He has a mansion in Palm Beach, bought the most expensive home ever sold in Chicago last year, and just added a mansion down the street to Buckingham Palace and this one in New York.

Today, he has about $750 million worth of properties. The question again is why is he buying?

He is investing. That’s the answer.

Mr Griffin like all wealthy people knows that real estate is one of the most lucrative investment strategies to create more wealth.

Though we do not all have Griffin’s kind of means, nevertheless, we can start from where we are.

P.S: I’m running a webinar sometime soon to help interested people who want to start investing in real estate.

Stay tuned, and until then, keep winning!
Talk soon.

How to Make 2019 Count…

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We all made it to 2019.

I’m so excited about this brand new year. It is another 365 days of opportunities for you and me.

This year, I will be sharing ideas that will make 2019 a great one for you. But today, I want to challenge you to be grateful for everything that you have.

8 Simple Ideas to make 2019 an amazing year.


Be grateful for this New Year 2019, because many did not make it to this year, but you and I did. Learn to be grateful every day of your life for everything, and to your creator until you take the last breath.

Gratitude has its blessings.

You’ve got another 365 days, so use this wisely.


I need you to dream big this year.

Don’t make small dreams, because you don’t need little dreams.

You can dream Big!

Create an empire in your mind, believe God for the miraculous, and nothing will be impossible.

Also, make sure to be crystal clear of what you want in this year 2019, and aspire for something great that you haven’t experienced before.


Make sure to build great relationships by identifying and belonging to new tribes.

Iron sharpens iron, look for people going where you are going and join them whether it’s a professional group or association, find people who are doing great exploits, people you can reach out to when you need a guide.


Invest in yourself by feeding your mind with great ‘nutrients’ from books, seminars, training, online videos on YouTube, audiobooks from Audibles, coaching programs, mentorship and so on.

This is how to grow.

If you do not invest in yourself, your income cannot increase, so this year 2019, don’t forget to invest in yourself.


Take actions.

Whatever your goals are this year, make sure you’re taking baby steps one after the other. Start doing what you want to do.

Keep moving, don’t stay static. This year is going to be an amazing year, and it’s going to be a challenging year, but it is going to reward action takers.

The ones who make plans and execute them, because doing and not just planning is what will differentiate you from others in 2019.


Identify two, three, or four people you can be a blessing to this year, it could be a charity organization or an individual, just make sure to give back. Invest in them because the young shall grow so whatever you know, deposit this in them.


In 2019, nothing will be different from 2018…but the only thing that can change is you. If you don’t change, nothing is going to change.

The year is going to move so rapidly, so put your mind to changing for the best. Appraise 2018 and identify areas where you didn’t do well, but don’t see those things as failures but as experience needed to navigate 2019.


Your health is important.

As you have heard, health is wealth. So do not joke with your well-being. Make sure to see the doctor occasionally or regularly depending on your need. And be aware of things like your blood pressure level, cholesterol level, your weight and all.

Also, make sure to always eat and sleep well. As you do all these I believe God that there would be a tremendous change in your life and you will be a success story that I would want to talk about this year.

God bless you!

2 Essential Investments You Should Make If You Want Financial Success

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Imagine having a complete turnaround from your financial struggles and breaking through to financial success this year. Now, picture it for a second.

How does it feel? Amazing right? I bet.

That’s not impossible. You can breakthrough financially and become a huge success before this year ends, but, you must know that…

Financial success is not a given, but rather an offshoot of seeds planted in the right and favourable environment.

How do I mean?

Here is it in the other words – prosperity or financial success is not a thing to be waiting for like a coming train – rather, it can be likened to an act of sowing seeds at the right time and in the right field while following up with the right processes until the time of harvest.

Do you get?

Financial success will not fall on your lap like manna from heaven; it must be worked at because no man has ever attained it just by wishing or dreaming.

So, how do you attain Financial Success?

You become financially successful by making the right investments.

An investment is simply the time, effort or money you put into anything in order to get a benefit or make profits.

Investing is how the world wealthiest men have become rich over the years but there are kinds of investment.

You could invest in formal education so that you get a good job afterwards, you could invest in gold, stocks, crypto-currency or even become an angel investor or venture capitalist – whatever you choose.

However, you must know that despite the various kinds of investment you can make, there are two kinds that yield the greatest ROI for anyone on earth and it is significantly common amongst the world greatest men.

So, What Are These 2 Kinds of Investment that Yield the Great Returns?

  1. Investment in personal development
  2. Investment in properties.

Investing in Personal Development

As I have said, investments are like seeds that must be planted in the right field and there is no better field to invest in than you.

It is essential to know that your personal development is of utmost importance if you’re going to be successful in life. You need to expand your knowledge base beyond what you already know because your competitors and colleagues at work are working really hard to excel, so why should you be left out?

Your employees are learning so that they can start-up their own business someday, so why should you not develop yourself so much that you can stay at the cutting edge and be well positioned for success?

Success has a price, and it is often paid through hard work and consistent learning. That’s how you beat the rest to it.

So, therefore, start investing in your personal development today and if you have been doing so, you can do more.

Buy more books, take more courses, attend more seminars and conferences, get a mentor and make yourself knowledgeable because it will help you become better than most people.

The other kind of investment is…

Investing in Properties

I want you to know that I didn’t add this part because I am a property investor. Rather, I am a property investor because I’ve come to understand the secret of wealth.

I do not believe that anyone needs to be ‘preached’ to, for them to invest in properties. It is a no-brainer, investing in property is a sure way to financial success and lasting legacy.

However, as an investor who has put in thousands of pounds into real estate, I know the benefits anyone who does stand to gain.

In fact, here is a short video on why I invest in properties. Watch it now and learn how to quickly start investing in properties even if you haven’t done so before.

Let me know what you think afterwards and if you have any more questions, please shoot. I am here for you.


Why You Should Stop Chasing Perfection and What to Do Instead.

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In existence, who amongst men have attained perfection?

If you haven’t thought about that question before, I suggest that you give it a minute or more; especially if you are one of those called perfectionists.

Even if you don’t think that you are a perfectionist – because most people won’t agree that they are – this will help you understand the myth of perfectionism with regards to achieving your goals or purpose in life.

You see, the truth is you don’t have to be perfect to succeed in life because history is made up of imperfect men whose achievements still hold the world in awe.

Benjamin Franklin the world’s most influential advocate for self-improvement, was a womanizer as reported by The Chicago Tribune.

It was even said that he fathered a son out of wedlock, but Franklin’s lust didn’t destroy his impact because he recognized his problem and admitted it.

Albert Einstein was also an imperfect man despite possessing a great I.Q. Einstein lacked a relational discipline causing him to divorce after ten years of marriage to marry his cousin – Elsa.

He was quoted saying to a young man that…

“What I admire in your father is that, for his whole life, he stayed with only one woman. This is a project in which I grossly failed, twice.”

He admitted that he couldn’t be a perfect husband even though it was his wish but it didn’t deter him from succeeding in other areas of his life.

Let me say again, you do not have to be perfect to do great things, achieve your purpose or succeed at anything in life – you only have to be good enough because perfection is a myth.

So Why do Men Chase Perfection?

Perfection is an idealist point of view to life where we build a world in our imagination and want it realized. We want to please everyone so that we become likeable.

We want wealth, good health, peace, less stress and all the good things of life with ease.

We want to be the one who knows it all. We want everything at home to be spanking clean, in short, we want to be an example of a perfect gentleman or lady.

Wake up my friend, you will never be perfect and you don’t have to be to achieve greatness in life. No.

Walt Disney was brilliant but he smoked too much and we could say that was his imperfection.

Henry Ford was said to be a stubborn micro-manager who didn’t take orders from anyone but his own. It was written that…

“Workers disliked the monotonous, mind-numbing repetition of their tasks, made worse by the fact that Ford believed that total discipline was necessary to prevent chaos. Employees received a 15-minute lunch as their only break, and they were not allowed to talk, sing, whistle, sit down or lean on machinery. Even smiling was discouraged.”

Yet, these men achieved greatness.

I do not mean that men should not strive to be better at every area of their lives, and neither do I mean that bad habits should be harboured. I am only saying that while we go about our journey in life, we should not focus all our energies on trying to be perfect or waiting for the perfect time before attempting to do great things.

What You Should Do Instead of Pursuing Perfection

As Brené Brown said; “Imperfections are not inadequacies; they are reminders that we’re all in this together.”

Stop trying to be perfect because the brutal truth is that you will never attain perfection – not in this life, but you will be good enough and can even be great.

Focus instead on perseverance and let nothing beat you on your journey to greatness.

If you admit your weaknesses and commit to your goals in life, you will also achieve greatness like every imperfect man who has been great.


How to Beat Procrastination to Stop Hindering Your Growth in Life

Procrastination is a bad habit that hinders personal and professional growth; in fact, it is commonly known to be a thief of time. If you are like me, then cultivating good habit is important to you.

In this article, let us deal with a habit that has kept many people stuck in a life of mediocrity – procrastination – which means to keep delaying or postponing something that must be done because it is either boring or because you just haven’t found the motivation to do it.

I will not deny the fact that sometimes we are too busy to attend to certain things and sometimes, our priorities aid procrastinating of some activities we want ‘to do’.

However, beating the habit of procrastination is as important as achieving one’s goal. An important tip to dealing with procrastination is to understand the reason for doing so and addressing it at the core.

So, What Causes Procrastination?

1. Negative Perfectionism:

This is a way of thinking that is based on unrealistic expectations of oneself. A lot of people are guilty of this because they often set perfect standards for themselves; forgetting that there is nothing called perfect with humans. We all just have to try our best at all times to reach our goals.

How to beat it:

In this case, it helps to understand your ‘perfectionism’ approach to life and set small realistic goals that are easy to achieve. You will be surprised in the end how much you can get done.

2. Fear of the Unknown:

You probably already know this faceless devil called fear of the unknown – we have all met with it at some point in life. We experience fear of the unknown because we do not want to fail (but who has become great in life without a fair share of failure?). Certainly, it is okay to have fears but you must not let them keep you from moving because growth begins when we act, regardless of the inconvenience.

How to beat it:

This is more of a mindset, and it can be beaten only with a counter mindset. Here, keep in mind that fear of the unknown comes with unknown territories. So, if you want to do something you haven’t done before, brace up and wear your ‘warrior-suit’ – because courage is all you need to beat this. Believing that you can do all things will come handy too.

3. Distractions:

Oh, distractions. These are everywhere. Home, office, you name it and there are things competing for your attention everywhere. Your phones, the TV, internet or even your kids. It is becoming more difficult to ignore distractions in the world today which is the more reason to stand up to it if growth matters to you.

How to beat it:

There is no other way to beat distractions than to be disciplined. Discipline, discipline and more discipline is the most reliable way to beat it. Be strong-willed about the things you want to do and ensuring that nothing comes in the way of accomplishing it.

4. Lack of motivation:

Another cause of procrastination that we often think is beyond our control is lack of motivation to start. I have heard over a thousand times that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a step. To take that step, however, sometimes we need a push and so do every other person in the world. It is therefore not smart to fold our hands in wait for that little spark of motivation before we start doing what we need to do – especially from others.

How to beat it:

Self-motivation is the keyword here. Never wait for people or life to motivate you before you start, instead get out there and find the things that motivate you. For me, I study the biography of great people and listen to their speeches. I read the bible and learn from mentors too (they are a source of external motivation you can rely on), however, you must learn to inspire yourself to start and you will be surprised how much momentum you can gather from taking the first the step.

That’s it, the four main causes of procrastination and how to beat it so that you will stop hindering your growth in life.

I hope you find this helpful enough to start taking to it now because good habits aid personal development and there is really nothing worth living for if we are not growing.

21 Home Improvement Ideas That Increase Home Value

Every home needs occasional improvement to increase its value, and this can be done without breaking the bank. In fact, there a lot of ways to do-it-yourself…

Whether it is the kitchen, bathroom, garden, or backyard. You need to be deliberate about the look of every part of your home. Spruce up the neglected room, declutter your wardrobe, create more space and brighten up the rooms with this DIY home improvement ideas.

We will start with the kitchen since it is popularly believed to be the heart of the home.

Home Improvement Ideas for the Kitchen

1. Boost your kitchen storage whether it is large or small, take advantage of the wall and free corner space with open shelves to keep dishes, spices, and cookware for easy reach.

2. Try a new shade of colour to give your cabinets a brand new look.

3. Let your floor shine. No matter the flooring material, whether wood or tiles, regular exposure to dirt, dust, and high foot traffic will leave it looking dull. You can restore your floor’s shine by polishing it with the product designed for the specific floor material.

4. Replace old appliances with energy-efficient ones. because they are better for the environment and saves you money because they use less energy.

5. Install self-adhesive hooks on the wall to hang lightweight items on.

Home Improvement Ideas for the Room

6. Sell the old vase and get a new one. Except you really like the current in which case you can just fill it with fresh flowers from the garden.

7. Get beautiful wall papers for different parts of the home. This brightens dull walls and brings life into the room with little expense that is.

8. Clean your light fittings to give the room a boost and dusty mirrors with glass cleaner spray.

9. Get a pop hamper to organise your laundry and keep season clothing or spare blankets away.

10. Fill your rooms with sensual appealing fragrance and frame your favourite photograph to hang on your wall.

Home Improvement Ideas for the Garden

11. Keep your lawn tidy by getting rid of weeds with a lawn weed killer

12. Grow plants from seeds to add colour to your garden and use plant clips to maintain healthy plant growth.

13. Use pesticides to banish garden pest and protect your plants.

14. keep flowers healthy with a flower feed and separate your flower bed from the lawn with some edging.

15. Add some solar lights.

Some Other Home Improvement Ideas

16. Remodel your bathroom by painting, changing the towel bars, faucet and mirrors.

17. Replace that tired old welcome mat to a clean new one.

18. Make your leather sofa look like new by polishing it often.

19. Use cable clips to keep cables tidy and out of the way.

20. Get a file holder to keep kid’s school work and your home office organized.

These do-it-yourself home improvement ideas are inexpensive but very essential ‘small things’ we often overlook.

Mark the ones you can start doing right now to improve your home and increase its value.

However, in conclusion…

21. Ensure to remove any household marks or stains at the first sight as these little things add up to help you have a great ‘valuable’ home.



5 Things To Love While Searching For an Ideal Home

If you are considering buying or moving to a new home, then this list of “5 Things To Love While Searching For an Ideal Home” will help you make a great choice.

These are important things to keep in mind. First…

The Location

It’s been said over and over that the best three things to look out for when getting properties are location, location and location. This can never be overstated because when you buy a house, you can not change the location.

So, therefore, consider your choice of neighbourhood based on easy access to your office, parks, shopping malls or wherever you think matters to you and your family.

The Neighbours

Having gotten the right location, you also want to consider your neighbours. Your prospective neighbours should be people you can get along with.

Is the neighbourhood safe? Do neighbours keep their yard clean? Is it a nice environment to live in? These are questions to find out answers to.

To know these, you can actually drive through on a weekend or even knock on a few doors to ask questions.

The View

Beyond location, you need to be sure that the home is situated in an area of the area that offers a pleasing view.

If your life-long dream is to look over a lake from your conservatory armchair, don’t compromise on it. Reach out for the corner of the neighbourhood that avails you that wish. (As you only live once right?.)

The Garden

If you really enjoy the ambience of a garden like me, you’ll need to find a home that has one.

An important tip here is to check that the garden faces the South, for better sunlight. East favours early morning sun lights. West is the best if you’ll be relaxing in your garden late afternoons.

Don’t forget to use the best flowers that are appealing to your senses so that your garden becomes you favourite relaxation place in the home. (Trust me, this has an inspiring benefit for idea creation.)

The Estate Agent

This won’t apply to you if you do not need an estate agent, but often times it is best that you use the expertise of a real estate professional. In fact, I recommend that you have a close tie with one.

Having a close relationship with your estate agent gives you first-hand information for buying opportunities. At MS Estate, we offer this to our in-house clients. You can also become a beneficiary of such opportunity.

In fact, we also teach people to become millionaire property investors. If any of our services interest you, don’t hesitate to contact us. Especially if you want to become a millionaire property investor.

I hope you find these 5 Things To Love While Searching For an Ideal Home helpful. If so, please help me share with your friends.

Thank you for your time.

3 Things That Makes You Succeed Every Time at Everything


Why do some people achieve success at everything they do while others struggle?

That’s a question every curious person should have asked at one point or the other in their life. This is a question I set out to find an answer to in my personal and professional endeavour. Well, I found that a few things set the successful person and the mediocre apart.

Successful people set goals, develop a winning strategy to achieve it and act after all – they never get stuck at the planning stage.

I found that success is simply a function of goals, strategies and action! As this year is rolling up to an end, it is important that we deliberately make the most of it. We need to be intentional about making it a better year than anyone we’ve had because nothing happens by chance.

The good thing is that life presents opportunities for growth sometimes where we least expect. But, we must understand the things that make some people succeed even when others fail all the time.

These 3 essential elements help to achieve great success every time at everything we do. With it, our possibilities are endless.

  1. Setting Goals

There are certain questions that are quite critical to one’s chances of succeeding in life. For instance, you should have answers to questions like, “what do I want to achieve this year, this month or ultimately, in my life?”

Whether you know it or not, this question is crucial to achieving success. It begins the goal setting process for everyone… It might interest you that a lack of definite goals ultimately results in little or no achievement at all.

As simple as losing weight, starting a business, and buying a house – you must learn to have your goals written down. If your goal is not tangible enough to write down, it’s not likely to be achieved because you haven’t taken the least of all important actions on it – that is writing it down.

Now when you want to set your goals remember to make it SMART. By that, I mean… Your goals have to be SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE, ATTAINABLE, REALISTIC and must be within a TIME FRAME. That’s when your goal can be achieved.

  1. Developing a Strategy

Success in life is not only dependent upon goal setting; it’s not enough to have goals, you need to come up with a strategy or strategies on how to achieve them.

It is your responsibility to develop strategies or plans to achieve your goals. This is where a lot of people fail. They have big ideas, but they play down the importance of developing a realistic blueprint to help them achieve their goals.

Don’t let that be you.

If you followed the last election in the United States, you will agree with me that Donald Trump became the President because he adopted a strategy that worked for him. He knows what matters and went to work with it. That’s the power of strategies.

Having goals without strategies is like embarking on a journey without a destination. Strategies answer the question of ‘How’ So when you set goals, ensure to come up with a strategy that will make you a win at it.

  1. Taking Action

In the school of success, all achievements can be attributed to one key word – ACTION.

Everyone who has succeeded in life will tell you that action was what made the difference for them, not ideas and neither was it a perfect strategy but taking action. It is okay to have goals and brilliant strategies to achieve them, but without action, nothing happens.

You will remain at the same level you were for as long as you choose to delay acting on the plans. Success is not easy; it takes hard work and determination. That is why after you’ve set goals and developed strategies, there’s still more to do – like taking action. If you want it so badly, won’t you pay the price?

Well… In case you don’t know, when you get to the highway of prosperity, what shows up is work.

So, if success is going to be yours, it’s up to you. The challenge I put to you today is to do the work! Talking and planning all the time won’t take you an inch without action. Those who are rewarded are those who are ready to pay the sacrifice; who are ready to do the work.

So, if you want this year to be better than last year, roll up your sleeves, check up on your goals for the year or set new ones but don’t stop there, create a definite strategy and act on them because nothing good comes cheap. You have to pay the price.

On Being Successful: Ten Great Lessons From 10 Successful Investors.

If you had 10 successful investors in the world give you an advice each, wouldn’t you be better off?

Let’s face it; we all can use some of these lessons to get better in life.

If you’ve seen others do it, shorten your learning curve and take cues from them. That’s an easy way to become great.

Here, I want to equip you with the same tips, tricks and secrets that these investors know. So that you can apply it too…

Lesson 1:

Robert Kiyosaki advises that ‘‘real estate investing even on a very small scale remains a tried and true means of building an individual’s cash flow and wealth’’

WARNING: It is quite unfortunate that today, many people still do not understand the power of investing in properties. Cash flow is important for wealth creation and no other investment strategy provides it as much in real estate.

Lesson 2:

Richard Branson says “Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them start again.”

This is an indication that successful people fail too and to help us understand that failure is nothing to be shameful of since we all have a fair share of it. Remember this the next time you fail at anything, dust it off and get going again.

Lesson 3:

Warren Buffet says “Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing.”

Having an in-depth knowledge and being great at anything you do lowers your chances failure, such as you can almost predict right 90% of the time. To be successful in life, you must attain this level of knowledge in your field.

Lesson 4:

Jeff Bezos says “Life is too short to hang out with people who aren’t resourceful.

No wonder this man has become so successful. Association does make a difference in ones’ life. You can’t flock with the birds when you really want to soar like an eagle.

Lesson 5:

Elon Musk advises that you should “constantly think about how you could be doing things better and questioning yourself.

How much better are you today than you were yesterday? What are you currently working on to make your personal and professional life better? These are questions that you must keep in mind at all times because it will determine how far you’d go.

Lesson 6:

Billionaire Founder of Oracle, Larry Page asserts that “It is very hard to fail completely if you aim high enough.”

This is to encourage you to think big. You really have nothing to lose by aiming high enough, in fact, it’s all for your gain.

This also buttresses the lesson by Richard Branson that you should not be embarrassed by your failures, but rather learn from them start again.

Lesson 7:

Facebook Founder and investor, Mark Zuckerberg says “A simple rule of business is, if you do the things that are easier first then you actually make a lot of progress.

Learn to break down your goals into small-bite sizes so that you can have many small wins that will make the big wins.

Lesson 8:

American President, Donald Trump once said that “what separates the winners from the losers is how a person reacts to each new twist of fate.”

Life is dynamic, so much that we cannot predict what is to come. However, our reaction to whatever happens determine whether we will win or not. Keep this in mind that those who win in life do not give in nor do they give up, instead they give it all it takes.

Lesson 9:

Bill Gates, the world richest man advises that “everyone needs a coach. It doesn’t matter whether you are a basketball player, a tennis player, a gymnast or a bridge player.”

Remember what I said earlier about shortening your learning curve by learning from the ones who have been there and done that? It’s one the easy ways to become great in life.

Lesson 10:

Finally, let me also give you an advice here since I’ve spent fortunes learning from great men and have recorded my fair share of success as an investor.

Here is it. “Whatever your area of expertise, whatever you want to achieve, if you want to get to that destination faster get a coach. – Mayowa Oluyede.

In sum: Becoming a successful investor is actually fairly simple when you apply the above lessons. So let me leave you with one last tip…

“One of the elements that determine your success in life is action. You must keep working at it to work.”

I hope you find this helpful. Please share with your friends. Thank you!