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Our Decisions and Choices Determine Everything

Do you know that your decisions decide your wealth?

A lot of time people wonder why they are not successful, but they are not looking at the choices they are making in life. Your decisions decide wealth, today I’m in this car park, and in this park there are a lot of different cars in this lot, from Mercedes Benz, to a range rover, that’s a Nissan and that’s another one there, a Volks Wagen.

People choose different cars for different reasons, it’s a choice. If you are going to prosper in life, it’s a choice, it’s your decision. The decisions you make determines where you will go in life, where you are today is as a result of all the decisions you’ve made in your life.

Where I am today as a result of decisions I made some years back. Is it that you decided that you want to go to school to upgrade yourself? Or you decided to change your career, you’ve decided to build a home, you’ve decided to improve in one area of your life. You’ve decided to lose that weight, you’ve decided to have more.

Everything is possible but all depends on the decisions you are making, decisions decide wealth.

If you want to be prosperous, you want to be successful financially, materially, family wise, if you want to scale up everything in your life, you have to be making quality decisions because some decisions, once you make a wrong one, it is difficult to change, it’s like you going to Liverpool and you’ve entered the train, once you’re in the train going to Liverpool, it might be difficult for you to change until you get to Liverpool town and often times, this is what happens to people in life, they make a wrong decision before they have a detour or to change course, it might take two three years, so I’m charging you today, make a quality decision in your life and if you want your prosperity to explode if you want your success to explode in life, quality decision, decision that is thought through and some quality decision require discipline, require passion, require dedication, require your commitment to make it happen, I believe you will take quality decisions in your life, and I want to see you at your very best.

Keep serving God; keep living life to the max and keep helping as many people on your journey to prosperity.

God bless you.

5 Principles to Win Big in Property Investing

I do not mean to brag at all, but I have had a good share of success investing in properties and that’s why I want to share these 5 principles I use every time to win big when I invest in real estate.

These 5 principles can make the difference for you when investing properties. It will help you buy like a pro and accelerate your investment journey faster than you can imagine.

1st Principle

Cash flow. I always buy for cash flow. Every time I buy real estate I keep it in mind that it must give me cash flow because if I put my money in the bank I will get interest. Likewise, if I put my money in stocks and shares, I will get dividends. So when I invest in properties I also want returns and that is cash flow. Property to me is a cash machine; it gives me income every day, every month and every year. When you learn to invest wisely, your returns will be good cash flow from your portfolio every time.

2nd Principle

Add value. I like to buy properties that no one wants to touch, properties that smell. I call them the smelling ones – the kind of properties that I can put my own signature on. I don’t look for perfect properties that have a good kitchen, good toilet or the like; I want to put my own signature on the property. So, I look for properties that are run down, not with structural problems but property that can be refurbished or renovated, the ones that need a new kitchen, toilet or bath. You can even put a new painting, new floor, ceilings or double glazing. These are the things that will make it look wow.

When you do this, you are adding value to that property and because of that, you will be able to buy this property at around bottom price. Also when you look into those properties, the amenities that need to be fixed are what you will use to negotiate with the vendor. Often times, when you get a property that is not good and you add your own value to it; you might have increased the value of that property by £25,000 to £30,000.

3rd Principle

Leverage; I always look for ways to buy properties without any of my money. Yes – you heard me right. I use different strategies to raise funds for my investments. If I want to buy any property, I look for a way to make sure I use little or none of my money. How do I do this? I could refinance my existing property, I could borrow from friends and family, I could borrow from the bank or I could do joint ventures. There are so many strategies that you can use to be your own bank, but leverage is key.

Did you know that property is the only asset class that the bank will lend you almost 100% for if it’s commercial? That’s the truth. Another testament that leverage is key, it is the ability to print your own cheque and be your own bank, and importantly one of the things that could make you a winner especially if you know how to raise funds not just for properties but for any other business. Whoever knows how to turn this tap will be a winner because cash is king.

4th Principle

Appreciation; I invest in property for appreciation. When I say that, I mean two types of appreciation that you must look out for. First, you need to understand that a property is an asset that you will enjoy its yields after a long time, around 8 – 20 years. In fact, most properties double between 8 and 12 years. This means, when you are able to hold properties for a long time, you will enjoy the profits of a certain income in the future.

Therefore, you are able to enjoy both capital appreciation and rental appreciation. This is very important to hold on to, property investing is a journey. Always invest for a long journey, If you are able to hold properties for a long time you will create wealth that you can be passed on to your children and the generation after.

5th Principle

Discount; is a vital one for me. This is the centerpiece of my principles. I will not buy real estate or property if there is no discount in it. I always buy below market value because you make a profit from day 1 when you buy not when you sell.

If I’m able to buy below market price at a discounted value of 10% or 15%, and if that’s just £20,000, it does not matter.

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Secrets Revealed: 5 Reasons I Invest In Properties

There are many kinds of investments that one can make, but among the assets class, from stocks and shares, derivatives, bond, trading and all, properties stand out because of its benefits and that’s why I want to share the reasons I chose properties with you now, to help you get some clarity about this investing opportunity.

Reason Number 1: Cash Flow

I invest in properties for cash flow. Cash flow is my main reason, but why is cash flow so important? Cash is king – you probably know how it feels when you make money every month, it’s like having someone that pays you a salary, but in property, it’s even interesting because you are making money why you are sleeping, and this is very important to me as a property investor.

Imagine that you make an extra £200-£300 from a property every month and you have ten properties, which make £2000 – £3000 per month. That means you are generating £2000 extra cash flow from your property investment every month, this is enough to replace your income, enough to tell your boss I’ve had enough.

Cash is flow is king but there are other strategies even if you don’t want to buy out rightly, you can choose to control a property if you don’t want to buy it, you could decide to rent from an estate agent and this property will still give you cash flow, if you choose to do multi-lets, a lot of people think it is until they own properties that they can make money from it – no. You can make money from a property that you don’t own out rightly and these are strategies that we teach in our property master class.

Reason Number 2: Tax Advantage

I invest in properties because of Tax advantage. I’ve heard many people say that the reason they don’t want to invest in real estate is tax and this makes me laugh because if they know what they need to know, they should embrace the tax system in this country for property investors.

There are a lot of incentives for people who invest in real estate; you just need to know what you need to know. Don’t take my word for it, you can Google tax advantage in the UK for property investors and you’ll see that there are advantages for investing in properties. One example is if you sell your main residence, the property you bought from 10-20 years that you used to live in, if you sell this property, you are not going to pay anything called a tax. There is no capital gain tax for such investment; you can walk away without paying a dime on tax.

Even if you are a buy-to-let investor, and you want to sell some properties, every year there is a capital allowance that you can enjoy. Also, if you buy a property for you and your wife, that means there is an allowance for two people which is about £22,000, that is £11, 000 per individual. What that means is, if you buy in joint names when you sell, there is £22,000 in tax rebate or allowance for you. A profit of £11,000 per person each time you want to sell that property and that’s why we advise people to buy in joint names. And even now with cooperation, if you buy the company name, it’s another scenario; you might be able to save even much more from tax. We reveal a lot of these in our property master class.

Reason Number 3: Leverage

I also invest in properties for leverage. Leverage is the miracle of investing in real estate. I have never seen any investment or business you want to do that you can leverage as you can do in property investing. Today if you go to the bank and say that you want to buy a property, as a first-time buyer, you might be able to get a 95% mortgage or a 90% mortgage depending on your status, income or credit record.

But if you want to buy stocks and shares, you can’t get a penny from the bank, leverage is very important when you are investing in real estate, and because a lot of people don’t know how to do this, they think it is difficult. It is not, in fact, there are other sophisticated strategies to use other people’s money. You can have a joint venture with other people to invest in real estate. Two, three or four people can come together to invest, there are lenders out there that will allow many individuals to invest together.

This is the power of leverage, using other people’s money to create wealth for you. It is not difficult, but if you don’t know this, it looks difficult. Leverage is what has helped me to build a significant portfolio for myself and within two years you can refinance and grow your portfolio, if you do this well, then you can get to the level where every two years you can increase your portfolio.

Reason Number 4: Instant Discount

I invest in properties for an instant discount. This is where one’s negotiating skill comes to play. People buy property and they don’t realize that they can actually pay a cheaper price for it just like every other thing they buy when you go to Tesco, you buy at discount, you go to the car dealer you buy at discount. In the same way, when you are investing in property you can also buy at discount but there are some things you need to know so that you don’t buy the way everybody is buying. It actually requires doing the work because there are many ways you can acquire properties at a lower price.

If you want to buy property at a discounted price, then you want to be looking for people who want to relocate out of town. You want to look for people who have just been bereaved, you want to look for people who want to downsize or upsize, among other ways, these ones are likely to sell cheaper.  Sadly but truly, you want to look for people who are going through divorce and people whose property has just been repossessed. Or you might even have to look for property that is in bad shape, which needs renovation. While it is true that it might not be easy to find these kinds of people, if you put in the work, you will definitely find them.

This is what smart investors do; they learn to buy at a discount. But if you can’t do the work, you can buy from property ‘sourcers’ – these are people who source for properties at discount and charge you for the service, trust me, this is always worth it.

Mastering the art of buying at discount is the winning formula for property investing.

Reason Number 5: Legacy

My number 5 reason for investing in properties is legacy. I invest in properties because I want to leave a lasting legacy for my family and loved ones when I eventually pass on. This is because I want them to have something to inherit. I know am going to live long but when I finally die I want to give something of value back to my children, great-grandchildren and humanity as a whole.



Do you pay yourself first?

This week I have a question for you; do you pay yourself every month?

Let’s talk about it.

Many people that I have come in contact with in my journey of life do say to me that it’s difficult to create wealth and save money. That I believe is simply because they have not yet mastered the act of paying themselves every month.

How easily can anyone do this? As a business man, you will agree with me that you pay your staff, pay gas bill, pay your electricity bill and you will pay business rate, along with everything that needs to be paid.

In fact, if you are self-employed you are very likely to pay your rent before you pay yourself, and if you are employed, your tax is taken from your salary first before they hand it over to you.

Then you’d have to pay that mortgage; pay the school fees for your children; and all the groceries. Basically, what I am trying to say is that you spend money every day. Yet, you pay yourself last, forgetting the same man or woman that works hard to create that wealth – You.

The good news for you today is that you can change that situation.

You need to learn the act of paying yourself first. If you are a Christian like me, I believe that you pay your tithe. After paying your tithe, I urge you to put aside at least 10% to pay yourself before you accommodate any expenditure. After then, whatever is left is what you will spend for that month.

When you develop this skill your wealth situation will change drastically. Just imagine you are able to pay yourself 200 or 300 pounds every month; depending on your wages every month.

Whatever you earn every month, ensure to save 10% of it. That means you are paying yourself 10%. For instance, 10% of £2000 is ‎£200, at the end of one year you would have saved £2400 and if you invest this money smartly either in stock or in shares or whatever investment you want to put it into, it grows. You are able to enjoy the power of compound interest.

However, I advise you put it in an investment vehicle that will generate returns. Just imagine what £200 pounds saved intentionally for the next 15, 20, 30, 50 years could be by the time you retire. By then, this money will be handy for you to do good stuff, to enjoy the kind of retirement you deserve or even use to probably buy a second home because £2400 every year in about 5 years is a lot of money.

In reality, you can pay deposit of any property, whether it is in London, Manchester, Liverpool, or anywhere in the UK. The point I’m sharing with you is that the journey of a thousand miles starts with a step.

You only have to begin.

I urge you to develop the habit of saving every month, put some money aside, let every other thing wait; pay yourself; you are working hard and it’s going to be a disaster if you do not master the act of paying yourself first.

The tax man pays their own money before they pay you. Why not pay yourself as well? You are working hard; but you need to learn how to work smart too so that at the end of the day you can reap the fruit of your labour.

I hope this has blessed you so well. And if you really enjoyed this post today, I implore you to help me share this post and make comments so I can keep serving you every week. I am committed to coming your way every week this year 2017.

God bless you. Don’t forget to keep serving God; keep living life to the max and keep helping as many people on your journey to prosperity.


How grateful are you?

It is a great day to be alive.

Yes, I know you might have a few things to complain about, the things that didn’t happen as planned in 2016, the opportunities that were missed and the goals that could not be achieved. Why I understand all of these, I still challenge you my friend, how grateful are you?

Another fifty weeks has been packaged for you in this year to dream again, fifty weeks to reset the goals, fifty weeks of grand opportunities, fifty weeks of challenging yourself to show up big time. My friend, how grateful are you?

Many have trusted God for a life partner, you are married, how grateful are you?

Many are praying for the fruit of the womb, you have children, yet you are complaining, but God has been so kind and generous to you, how grateful are you?

There are millions of people in the world, who are jobless, homeless and needy, but here you are, blessed with a job, you have a roof over your head and you have hope. My friend, how grateful are you?

I want you to see this day as an opportunity to be grateful; to thank God for everything He’s done.

I encourage you today to be grateful, just like when our kids say, you are the best dad in the world to show appreciation, in the same way, I want you to do so to your maker, appreciate him for what he’s done, for what he will do, and what he is doing, because the more you show appreciation, the more God will do for you

5 Property Investment Strategies of Successful Investors

Why do people invest in properties to fail when they can invest to win?

From my wealth of experience is property investing, I have come to realize that the number one reason people fail in property investment is because they do not take cognizance of the basic things that should be present before they purchase a property. They just go ahead and buy.

Call it lack of education and you will be right.

Real estate is my first love and I have been doing this since 1987. You see, not every property will put money in your pocket, but I see people making this mistake over and over. Which is the reason while many properties are been repossessed.

There is a good way and also a bad way to invest in real estate. I bear it all in my book, Millionaire Property Blueprint; How to …..’

However, let’s dive into the 5 property investment strategies that will help you succeed in real estate.

1. You Must Buy Below Market Price

This is the centerpiece of the millionaire property blueprint; you must learn to buy at a discount. People have cultivated the habit of haggling when they are shopping for everything except properties. They let the thousand pounds tag scare and hinder them from getting the best price. If you’re going to really do huge success in real estate, you must know how to buy, where to buy, and what to buy. Knowing this, is what will make you a winner, because there are thousands of ways to buy property at a discount.

2. Know Why They Are Selling

People sell properties for different reasons, which in turn determine the price. Some people sell to get the best price, some people want to sell very quickly, while some people want to sell for certainty, they want the deal to happen. If you are buying from somebody because they want the best price, there are not going to cut any deal for you, that is, you are not likely to get a discount. But, if you are buying from somebody who wants certainty and speed, such persons will be willing to give you discount. In most cases, these ones are probably going through a situation that requires them to get the cash in their hand right now. This is the same reason people take properties to auction, because they want speed and certainty. In other words, you only need to look for people who want to sell for speed and certainty; those are the two elements for you to get property at a discounted price.

The Three Determinants Of Success In Life

Hello, thank you for stopping by.

Today, I want to specifically share with you the three key things that determine one’s success in life.

First, is DESIRE. You’ve got to desire to succeed in life if you will. Desire is the energy that brings accomplishment to life, nothing ever happens by wishing. What is your mission? What do you want to accomplish in life? These questions must be rightly answered. However, you must also keep in mind that with desire, comes a price. You must have a desire and be ready to pay the price if you want to succeed in life.

Second, is BELIEVE. If you do not believe, how is it going to happen? You must believe that your desire can be achieved. You must believe that what you want out of life is possible, I mean, your entire being must believe that your desire can be achieved because desire and belief makes a formidable impact for success in life.

Third, is ACTION. If you desire it and believe that you can have it, then, you must go to work for it. Miracles do not just happen, you need to be able to work at you goal and desires in life. If you really want to succeed in life my friend, you need to keep moving. You must keep pressing on, working at your goals and mission.

UK Interest Rate Cut, Good for Property Investors

In August 2016, the Bank of England (BoE) took a decision to cut interest rates by 50%, from 0.5 to 0.25 based on a belief that it will stimulate the economy, following the effect of United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union. This measure was designed to sustain growth and employment.

Whilst it is true that I am glad about this decision, the big question is, how does it affect you?

As a property investor, let me share with you my viewpoint on the rate cut. As a matter of fact, there’s never a better time to be investing in real estate.

For property owners and investors who are on Standard Variable Rates (SVR), it is a happy day because that simply equates to cheaper mortgages, which means there will be more money in my pocket.

The reality of this current base rate is that, before the BoE increases interest rate again, the economy would have been better. Nevertheless, through all of this, rents keep going higher and that will continue. I see opportunity here for property investors, although there are predictions of doom out there but I do not want you to see that.

When interest rates go down, it is an opportunity to get access to cheap funds, as the BoE puts it, the cut in Bank Rate will lower borrowing costs for households and businesses (http://www.bankofengland.co.uk/publications/Pages/news/2016/008.aspx)

A lot of vendors are now jittery that the economy is going south, they will be willing to sell,. The amateur investors will be scared of the market, don’t let that be you. I want you to take advantage of what is happening right now, the banks still want to lend but the important thing is for you to go out there to look for good cracking deals.

Foreign investors are going to be trooping into the UK now, people from Russia, United Arab Emirates, Nigeria and from all over. They will be coming to take advantage of the depreciation in value of the pounds sterling. We are here, we can’t be a slacker, and we need to take advantage of this opportunity. Like the great investor, Warren Buffet said, ‘be greedy when people are fearful, and be fearful when people are greedy’.

This is the time to be greedy my friends, let’s take the bull by the horns; this is the time to be greedy if you are a real estate investor. It’s not the time to quit, not time to get melancholic about the economy, but to brace it, because it brings opportunities.

Brexit brought opportunity; the rate cut will bring a lot of other opportunities our way.

Remember, keep living life to the max, keep serving God and keep helping as many people on your journey to prosperity.

Four Great Ideas to Make 2017 Your Best Year Ever

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For some of us, the past year, 2016 was an amazing year because we were able to achieve much of our goals. For this reason, it is not enough to rest on our oars; you need to keep scaling our efforts to achieve even much more.

Nevertheless, I want to share with you four great ideas that will surely improve your life this year. However, I strongly believe that an investment in yourself is what will make the difference for you in this year, 2017. It will give a complete turnaround.

First, you need to become a reader. It can’t be overstated that readers are leaders, if you haven’t been reading habitually; this is the time you make that change. Reading has the ability to change your life drastically, moreover, it is easier to read now than ever with the advent of audio books that can played when you are driving or doing other things. I challenge you today; at least, read one book a month, which is twelve books a year, when you do that, you will be better than your peers. Trust me.

Second, educate yourself; you need to spend little money to attend seminars in your area of expertise. The purpose here is to get you ahead of the pack, to become part of the top 1% of your business category. To achieve that, you need to learn and network. Therefore, I encourage you to pen down seminars, workshops and trainings that will give you learning and networking opportunities. Remember, iron sharpens iron; you need to be connecting with people who are going where you want to go.

Third, review your experience regularly. You want to know the things that are working for you and those that are not, in order to avoid repeating same mistakes. Doing this, gives you an ownership of your life, it helps you improve by eliminating the things that have not worked by focusing on the ones that are working.

The fourth great idea for you is that you need a coach, you need a mentor. I cannot over emphasize this; my income has increased drastically because I have mentors in my life. I have mentors in different aspects investing in my life every day. You need a coach because he or she has worked the journey you are about to work, they can hold your hands and tell you what is working and what is not working, instead of committing your life to trial and errors.

And finally, whence you’ve acquire all this experiences; I want you to be able to lift others up, because success without a successor is failure.